miguel jobs
About San Miguel

San Miguel Corporation is one of the Philippines’ most diversified conglomerates, generating about 5.1% (as of 2015) of the country’s gross domestic product through its highly integrated operations in beverages, food, packaging, fuel and oil, power, mining and infrastructure.

Established in 1890, La Fabrica de Cerveza de San Miguel, Southeast Asia’s first brewery produced and bottled what would eventually become one of the bestselling beers in the region. Within the span of a generation, San Miguel Beer would become an icon among beer drinkers. 
By 1914, San Miguel Beer was being exported from its headquarters in Manila to Shanghai, Hong Kong and Guam. A pioneer in Asia, San Miguel established a brewery in Hong Kong in 1948, the first local brewer in the crown colony.
Today, San Miguel Beer–the Company’s flagship product–is one of the largest selling beers and among the top 10 beer brands in the world. While brewing beer is the company’s heritage, San Miguel subsequently branched out into the food and packaging businesses. 
From the original cerveza that first rolled off the bottling line, San Miguel Corporation has since expanded its portfolio to produce a wide range of popular beverage, food and packaging products which have–for over a century–catered to generations of consumers’ ever changing tastes. It has also diversified into heavy industries including power and other utilities, mining, energy, tollways and airports. 
The Company’s manufacturing operations extend beyond the Philippines to Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia. Its products are exported to major markets around the world. Continuing a tradition of product quality, San Miguel is capitalizing on its unique strengths in brands and distribution to weave its products more deeply into the fabric of everyday life. Not just in the Philippines but in the Asia-Pacific region.
World Class Partners
San Miguel’s partnerships with major international companies have given the Company access to the latest technologies and skills. Our marketplace experience, technical expertise, and innovation capabilities, while largely homegrown, also reflect our long term partnerships with world class players. 
San Miguel’s joint venture partners include Hormel Foods Corporation, Yamamura Glass and Fuso Machine and Mold Manufacturing of Japan. A strategic equity investment in San Miguel by Japan’s leading brewer and global player, Kirin Brewery Company, Ltd. has further enhanced San Miguel’s competitive position in Asia, a region in which it is already well placed.

Current Job Vacancies

Job TitleIndustryDate posted
Checkers I SMC Shipping and Lighterage CorporationFood / Beverages2016-11-14
Shipment Supervisor I SMC Shipping and Lighterage CorporationFood / Beverages2016-11-14
Account Supervisor I Anchor Insurance Brokerage CorporationFood / Beverages2016-11-09
Accounts Support Assistant I Anchor Insurance Brokerage CorporationFood / Beverages2016-11-09
Market Development Assistant I San Miguel Brewing International Ltd.Food / Beverages2016-11-07
Sales Associate I San Miguel Brewing International Ltd.Food / Beverages2016-11-07
Procurement Assistant | San Miguel CorporationFood / Beverages2016-10-05
Finance Analyst I San Miguel Yamamura Packaging CorporationFood / Beverages2016-08-12
Operations Engineer I San Miguel Yamamura Packaging CorporationFood / Beverages2016-08-09
Branch Marketing Officer I Bank of CommerceFood / Beverages2016-08-01


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