jumeira  abroad jobs

jumeira (Arabic: جميرا‎) literally means “burning embers”. It is a coastal residential area in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and one of the oldest settlements in historic Dubai. Many say that Jumeira was a refreshment to the deserts around it, an oasis where travellers and traders alike were welcome. Historically, Arabs living in the Jumeira were fishermen, pearl divers and traders.

The pearl industry of the Gulf began as early as the Late Stone Age, around 7000 years ago, with pearls having been found among ornaments in graves of the period. It was an important part of the UAE’s economy at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, providing seasonal employment for several thousand people.

Jumeira University prides itself in naming our speak corner after a place where modernism and authenticity meet, heritage is respected and honored and success is a trademark.

Our founder, Major General Khalifa Bin Dhaen Al Muhairi, native of Jumeira and an esteemed member of the community, recalls the past of Jumeira with appreciation and pride were the simpler times, hard work, and dedication to family values were the corner stone of the community not only in Jumeira but across the UAE. Jumeira University is founded on these values and thrives to graduate members of Dubai community that will continue the success story of Dubai and their leaders and be the new business leaders, educators, Islamic scholars and health practitioners making their families and community proud.

  • Faculty – English Education   8 job(s)
  • Academic Administration   4 job(s)
  • Strategy, performance and quality   3 job(s)
  • Communication, media and marketing   3 job(s)
  • Student affairs and services   1 job(s)



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