abroadjobs ikea

IKEA Swedish is a multinational group of companies that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture (such as beds, chairs and desks), appliances and home accessories. As of January 2008, it is the world's largest furniture retailer. Founded in Sweden in 1943 by then-17-year-old Ingvar Kamprad, who was listed as one of the world's richest people in 2013, the company's name is an acronym that consists of the initials of Ingvar Kamprad, Elmtaryd (the farm where he grew up), and Agunnaryd (his hometown in Småland, southern Sweden). The company is known for its modern architectural designs for various types of appliances and furniture, and its interior design work is often associated with an eco-friendly simplicity. In addition, the firm is known for its attention to cost control, operational details, and continuous product development, corporate attributes that allowed IKEA to lower its prices by an average of two to three percent over the decade to 2010 during a period of global expansion. The IKEA group has a complex corporate structure, the purpose or one of the purposes of which may be to avoid tax, and is controlled by several foundations based in the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein.

Current Vacancies

Local Marketing Manager (Shanghai City)

Communication Specialist

Goods Flow Team Leader

Food Production Specialist-Chef Assistant

Checkout Services Co-worker-Cashier

Home Furnishing Sales Coworker-Showrooms

IKEA Food Co-worker- Bistro

Home Furnishing Sales Coworker-Cookshop

Carts Co-worker

Checkout Services Co-worker

Children's Play Area and Greeter

Cold Preparation / Server


Sales & Supply Support Specialist

Unit HR Generalist

HR Administrator


IKEA Food Co-worker- cold prep/ server

Home Furnishing Sales Coworker- Self Serve

IKEA Food Co-worker - Checkout services Coworker

Seasonal IKEA Food Co-worker - Checkout services Coworker

IKEA Food Co-worker - Dishwasher & Dining Attendant

Exchange and Returns Co-worker

Home Delivery Coworker

Co-worker/Labor Relations Specialist (DS-West)

After Sales Team Leader

Co-worker/Labor Relations Specialist (DS-East)

Goods Flow Co-worker II

Customer Relations Co-worker

Flow Planner

Recovery Co-worker - IKEA Sunrise

Home Furnishing Sales Coworker Cookshop/Home Decor 12-19 hrs/wk

Communications Co-Worker (Full-Time)

Exchanges and Returns Coworker


Safety&Security Teamleader

Whitby PUOP - Sales

Home Furnishing Sales Coworker - Home Decorations

IKEA Food Co-worker - Cold Prep/Server

Recovery Co-worker

Goods Flow Manager-Inflow

Logistics Co-worker Pick up and Order Point (Part Time) (London, ON)

Cashier - Part Time

Graphic Communication Leader

IKEA Food Co-worker - Dishwashing Attendant

Home Furnishing Sales Coworker- Markethall

Exchange & Returns Coworker

Business Navigation & Operations Manager

Goods Flow Co-worker (Outflow)

IKEA Food Co-worker-Dish Room Attendant


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